
Requirements and How to Make the Latest Halal Certificate in 2023

Admin BFI
13 January 2023
Requirements and How to Make the Latest Halal Certificate in 2023

How to make a halal certificate is important for you to know so that the products and services you offer are in accordance with Islamic law, so that Muslim consumers can be sure that the selected product is suitable and safe for consumption.

This is also related to the new policy submitted by the Head of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) M. Aqil Irham. He stated that all food and beverage businesses, slaughter products, and slaughter services are required to have a halal certificate no later than October 17, 2024.

Whoever does not implement this policy will be subject to sanctions in accordance with Government Regulation Number 39 of 2021. These sanctions can be in the form of written warnings, administrative fines, and withdrawal of goods from circulation.

For those of you who plan to make a halal certificate or don't have official permission from the MUI, here are the requirements and how to make a halal certificate that you can easily follow.


What is Halal Certificate?

A halal certificate is an official document issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to certify if a product complies with Islamic law, both in terms of raw materials and the production process. With this certificate, a product can be declared safe for consumption and free from haram ingredients.

As stated in Article 68 of Government Regulation No. 31 of 2019 and No. 39 of 2022, products that must have a halal certificate include:

  • Food
  • Drink
  • Drugs
  • Cosmetics

Halal certificates are very important to have to make it easier for Muslim consumers to buy products according to their religious teachings. In addition, the existence of this certificate can also calm business actors to market their products more broadly without fear of being suspected of non-halal materials and processes.

Halal Certificate Function

Apart from being required, how to make a halal certificate has other functions that can be beneficial for businesses and consumers.

1. Gaining the trust of Muslim consumers.

3. Superior to competitors who do not yet have a halal certificate.

4. Legal proof of a product or service in accordance with Islamic law, starting from raw materials to the manufacturing process. This can avoid false accusations.

5. Facilitate Muslim consumers in making decisions to choose products that are in accordance with religious teachings by choosing halal food or akhlakul karimah.

6. Standards for making products and services according to Islamic law.

7. Helping companies or traders market their products globally, especially in the Muslim market.

8. Assisting the government and religious organizations in supervising and guaranteeing that products and services marketed comply with applicable regulations.

9. One of the requirements is to be able to get a halal label on packaging and banners.

Halal Certificate Validity Period

In accordance with the Decree of the Indonesian Ulema Council No. Kep-49/DHN-MUI/V/2021, the validity period of a halal certificate is 4 years and 3 months before the validity period expires or expires, certificate holders are advised to extend it immediately.

Requirements to Obtain Halal Certificate

To get a halal certificate, you need to prepare the following required documents.

1. Business Identification Number (NIB)

The first way to make a halal certificate is to attach business actor data in the form of a Business Identification Number (NIB). If you don't have a NIB, you can use other documents such as NPWP, SIUP, IUMK, IUI, NKV, and other permits that state legally if you have a business license.

2. Photocopy of KTP

3. Curriculum Vitae

4. Copy of Halal Supervisor Certificate and Copy of Halal Supervisor Decree

5. Product Name and Type

6. List of Products and Materials Used

7. Product Management Process

8. Halal Assurance System Documents

Untuk lebih jelasnya, simak infografis di bawah ini.

cara membuat sertifikat halal

Infografis Dokumen Permohonan Sertifikat Halal. Sumber: BPJPH Kementerian Agama RI

Requirements to Get Halal Certificate for FREE

Quoted directly from Kemenkopukm's Instagram account @kemenkopukm, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) provides FREE halal certification for selected micro-enterprises. How to make a halal certificate for MSMEs must attach the following requirements.

1. Business Identification Number (NIB)

2. National Identity Number (NIK)

3. Attach a clear domicile address

4. Fill out the online registration form at the link

5. Is a micro business or business with a capital of under Rp. 1 billion (not including land and buildings for business premises) and annual sales of less than Rp. 2 billion

6. Have at least 1 type of product and already have a market that has been produced continuously for 1 year

7. Have a website/social media

8. Follow the procedure or how to make a valid halal certificate

9. Include the product name

10. Has SPP-IRT Certificate

11. Attach a list of products and materials used

12. Product processing

13. Statement of UMI actors which contains a pledge/contract of halal products and materials used as well as PPH (Halal Product Process)


Also Read: MSMEs Are: Definition, Type, Up To Business Idea


Cost of Making a Halal Certificate

Reporting to the official website of the Ministry of Religion (, the cost of making a halal certificate is divided into two types, namely the main service fee and the supporting service fee.

The main service rates consist of halal certification of goods and services, accreditation of LPH (Halal Inspection Agency), registration of halal auditors, training services for halal auditors and supervisors, as well as competency certification for halal auditors and supervisors.

Meanwhile, supporting tariffs consist of supporting services consisting of the use of land, rooms, buildings, and buildings, the use of equipment and machinery, to the use of motorized vehicles.

Details of the Cost of Making a Halal Certificate

1. Production of Halal Certificates

  • Micro and Small Enterprises: IDR 300,000 (Three Hundred Thousand)
  • Medium Business: IDR 5,000,000 (Five Million)
  • Large Enterprises and/or originating from abroad: IDR 12,500,000 (Twelve Million Five Hundred Thousand)

2. Extension of Halal Certificate

  • Micro and Small Enterprises: IDR 200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand)
  • Medium Business: IDR 2,400,000 (Two Million Four Hundred Thousand)
  • Large Enterprises and/or originating from abroad: IDR 5,000,000 (Five Million)

3. Foreign Halal Certification Registration

  • IDR 800,000 (Eight Hundred Thousand)

You can see a list of the highest fees for the inspection of a product or service at the following link.

The good news is for BFI friends who don't have a halal certificate, as of 2023, the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) will open a free halal certification program starting on January 2, 2023. What are you waiting for? Immediately register your product and keep it halal!

How to Make a Halal Certificate

After you know how important it is to have a halal certificate and the requirements that must be met, here's how to easily make a halal certificate.

1. Visit the website

2. Register a new account. Fill in the type of requirements, name, email, and password.

3. Verify the account.

4. Apply for a halal certificate.

5. BPJPH will check the completeness of the existing data.

6. If the existing documents are complete, then the inspection will be forwarded to the Halal Inspection Agency (LPH). In addition to documents, LPH will also determine the costs required. This process takes two working days if all the requested documents are complete.

7. BPJPH will inform the bill of payment to the business actor. Make sure the payment is made according to the specified time so that your application is not rejected unilaterally.

8. LPH will conduct product halal testing for 15 working days.

9. The inspection report will be submitted to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

10. Next, the fatwa will be heard by the MUI and the results will be informed through the SiHalal application.

11. Applicants can download a halal certificate that has been issued by BPJPH through the SiHalal application.

BFI friends, has your business obtained a halal certificate? If not, let's start now and register your business immediately so you can be calmer and avoid sanctions. Make sure you follow how to make a halal certificate according to the steps above.


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