Informasi Umum

How to Make an NPWP Online, Easy and Fast!

Admin BFI
27 January 2023
How to Make an NPWP Online, Easy and Fast!

How to make an online NPWP is quite easy and practical. You only need to make sure what type of NPWP you want to make, ensure the completeness of the documents, and follow the existing procedures.

Well, for those of you who don't have an NPWP yet or are planning to make one in the near future, this article will help you make an NPWP online easily and quickly. You don't have to wait long to go to the branch office or wait in long queues.


What is NPWP?

Before we get into the discussion regarding how to make an NPWP online, do you know what an NPWP is? NPWP or Taxpayer Identification Number is an official document that must be owned by taxpayers in carrying out tax obligations such as depositing and reporting taxes.

NPWP consists of a series of unique numbers assigned by the Directorate General of Taxes. This number consists of 15 digits with the first 9 digits being the taxpayer code, while the last 6 digits are the administration code. The more complete explanation regarding the number on the NPWP is as follows.

1. The first two digits (XX) are the identity of the taxpayer. For example 01 - 03 for corporate taxpayers and 04 - 06 for entrepreneur taxpayers and so on.

2. The next six digits (YYY.YYY) are the registration number or KPP serial number given by the DGT head office.

3. One digit (Z) then functions as a security code to prevent errors or misuse of the NPWP.

4. The next three digits (XXX) are the registered KPP code.

5. The last three digits (YYY) are the taxpayer status (Single, Central, or Branch). 000 for single or central tax. While 001, 002, and so on for branch taxpayer status.

Every Indonesian citizen (WNI) is required to pay taxes and have an NPWP as a taxpayer identity. This includes individuals who work and receive a salary, entrepreneurs who benefit from their businesses, and companies that generate income. Some types of income that are subject to tax in Indonesia include:

  • Salary or wages from work
  • Operating revenues
  • Investment income such as dividends or deposit interest
  • Property income such as rent or income from buying and selling property and others

In addition, several types of transactions are also subject to taxes, such as taxes on buying and selling transactions of goods and services or Value Added Tax (VAT), Income Tax (PPh), and tax on property transactions or Land and Building Tax (PBB).

Paying taxes is mandatory, as stated in Law No. 9 of 1994 concerning Amendments to Law No. 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures. Article (1) states, "Taxpayers are individuals or entities that according to the provisions of the tax laws and regulations are determined to carry out tax obligations, including certain tax collectors or withholding taxes."

NPWP type

NPWP is divided into two types. The first is the individual NPWP and the second is the corporate NPWP. You need to know the difference between the two so that you are not mistaken when following the procedure for making an NPWP online. The following is an explanation of the two types that exist.

1. Individual NPWP

Individual or personal NPWP is a type of NPWP that is privately owned by everyone who has income in Indonesia.

2. NPWP Agency

Apart from individual or personal NPWP, the second type of NPWP is corporate NPWP. The NPWP of this type is given to companies or business entities that have income in Indonesia.

The taxpayer Identification Number for an entity is adjusted to the existing form of entity. Such as limited liability companies, limited liability companies, other types of companies, state-owned enterprises or regions in whatever name and form, partnerships, associations, firms, partnerships, cooperatives, foundations or similar organizations, institutions, pension funds, permanent establishments, and other forms of business entity.

NPWP benefits

There are a number of benefits that you can get by having an NPWP. Among others, the following.

1. Facilitate tax administration while maintaining compliance with tax payments.

2. As a WP (taxpayer) identity like a NIK or KTP.

3. As a condition of making a credit card.

4. Requirements for the management of a Trade Business License (SIUP).

5. Public service administration requirements and others.

Requirements for making NPWP

Before you know how to make an NPWP online, you must first make sure that the requirements are complete. The following are the requirements.

Requirements for making a personal NPWP

Personal NPWP is divided into 3 types, namely individuals who do not run a business or freelancers, individuals who run businesses or freelance jobs or are entrepreneurs, and married women who live separately from their husbands according to a judge's decision.

Individuals Who Do Not Run a Business or Free Work

1. Scan of KTP (For Indonesian Citizens)

2. Scan Passport and KITAS / KITAP (For Foreigners)

Individuals Running Businesses or Free Work or Certain Entrepreneurs

1. Scan of KTP (For Indonesian Citizens)

2. Scan Passport and KITAS / KITAP (For Foreigners)

3. Scan of Business Activity Licensing Documents from an Official Agency (At least from the Lurah or Village Head)

Married women who live separately from their husbands according to a judge's decision

1. Scan of KTP (For Indonesian Citizens)

2. Scan Passport and KITAS / KITAP (For Foreigners)

3. Scan photocopy of husband's NPWP

4. Scan photocopy of KK

5. Scan a photocopy of the agreement on the separation of income and assets or a statement letter wishing to exercise tax rights and obligations separately from the husband's tax rights and obligations.

Requirements for making a corporate NPWP

Next are the requirements for how to make an online NPWP for agencies. As with personal NPWP, NPWP for entities is divided into 3 types consisting of non-profit companies, companies with the aim of profit, and joint operation companies.

Non-Profit Company

1. Identity document of one of the board members

2. A stamped statement regarding the location and activities of the agency

Companies with Profit Goals

1. Photocopy of the deed of establishment or agency establishment document

2. Letter of appointment from the head office

3. Documents of identity for agency officials (KTP, KK, and others)

4. Stamped statement regarding business activities and business location

Joint Operation Company

1. Photocopy of cooperation agreement/deed of establishment

2. Photocopy of NPWP of each cooperating member

3. Identity documents of one of the administrators (KTP, KK, and others)

4. Stamped statement regarding business activities and location

How to make an NPWP online

After preparing all the complete documents, now is the time to discuss how to make an online NPWP. Follow the steps below.

Cara Membuat NPWP Online

Infographics How to Make an NPWP Online. Source: BFI Finance Digital Assets

Personal NPWP

Here's how to make an online NPWP for personal or individual NPWP types.

1. Enter the site

2. Register your personal information

3. Complete and verify personal data

4. Select the type of taxpayer (WP)

5. Upload the required documents

6. Send electronic files

7. Click "Token" (Secret Code) on the dashboard. The NPWP will send a token code via email

8. Enter the code you got into the dashboard earlier

9. Then click 'Submit Application'

10. A physical NPWP will be sent to your home address

NPWP Agency

Here's how to make an online NPWP for the type of corporate NPWP. The method is not much different from a personal NPWP.

1. Enter the site

2. Register your personal information

3. Complete and verify personal data

4. Select the type of taxpayer (WP)

5. Upload the required documents

6. Send electronic files

7. Click "Token" (Secret Code) on the dashboard. The NPWP will send a token code via email

8. Enter the code you got into the dashboard earlier

9. Then click 'Submit Application'

10. A physical NPWP will be sent to your home address

Cost of Making NPWP Online

Making a NPWP online is free of charge (FREE). You only need to follow the procedure for making an online NPWP listed above.

An easy way to check an active NPWP

There are several ways you can do to check whether the NPWP that you have is still active or not. The steps are as follows.

Check the NPWP at the Tax Office

1. Visit the nearest tax office

2. Convey your intent and purpose to the officer

3. Attach supporting documents such as KTP, personal/corporate NPWP, and company or agency deed (specifically corporate NPWP)

4. The officer will validate the existing data and check the status of your NPWP

Check NPWP Online

1. Visit the official taxpayer website at

2. Login using your NPWP

3. Wait a moment until the dashboard page changes

4. If the NPWP identity appears on the screen, then your NPWP can be confirmed to be still active. On the other hand, if no information is displayed on the page, then your NPWP is certain that it is not active or is not active

Check the NPWP in the DGT Application

1. Download the DJP application on Playstore or App Store

2. Log in

3. On the dashboard that appears select 'Check NPWP'

4. Your NPWP status will be displayed on the screen

BFI friends, that's a discussion regarding how to make an online NPWP. Make sure you meet all the requirements and be careful when filling in the data requested by the system. Hopefully, this information can be useful.

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