
13 Most Profitable 20 Million Capital Business Ideas, Worth to Try!

Admin BFI
29 November 2022
13 Most Profitable 20 Million Capital Business Ideas, Worth to Try!

In starting a business, the amount of capital used can be anything, one of which is a business capital of 20 million. This nominal is certainly not small and capable of producing medium-sized businesses with promising prospects.

So, for those of you who have 20 million in cash and are looking for business ideas, the following business idea recommendations can be the solution. Let's see more in the following article.


13 Best 20 Million Capital Business Ideas

As with the business idea with a capital of 10 million that the BFI Finance Team has discussed before, here are recommendations for business ideas with a capital of 20 million and their details.

1. Grocery store

The first 20 million capital business idea was to open a basic food shop. The staple food is a basic need for everyone. This of course makes the following commodities have a very wide market share, so you don't have to worry about the existing goods not selling well. With a capital of 20 million, you can already stock up on various basic food products, from rice, cooking oil, eggs, tea, coffee, noodles, and so on.

Other advantages of setting up a basic food stall business are:

  • Stock items are easy to get
  • It's not difficult to sell goods, groceries are always needed by the community (business stalls are never empty)
  • Flexible, business location can be anywhere including your own home
  • Not a seasonal type of venture and thus can last longer
  • It can be developed even bigger or become a wholesale business

2. Food Catering

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Image Source: Freepik/ikarahma

Apart from basic necessities, a food business such as food catering is a promising type of business that can be run from anywhere and at any time. There's no need to rent a stall, you can start from your own home with the cooking equipment you already have.

With this 20 million capital business, at least you can pocket a profit of 2 times the existing capital. You can also apply a sales strategy so that the estimated profit you get can be maximized. For example, becoming an online motorcycle taxi business partner, offering online on social media with a pre-order or reseller system.

3. Petshop

For you, animal lovers, this 20 million capital business idea will be very exciting to work on. The reason is, you don't only do business and make a profit, but you can also spend the time you have with cute and adorable animals.

With a capital of 20 million, you can buy various pet shop equipment, starting from animal cages, product showcases, food, accessories, salaries for 2 employees or caretakers, and other needs. Meanwhile, for-profit or estimated net profit, you can get around 6-7 million, depending on the achievement of sales targets and other important points.


Also Read: Petshop Business: Estimated Capital, Profits, and Tips to Get Started


4. Motorcycle Wash Business

The number of two-wheeled vehicle users in Indonesia is very large. This of course can be used as a business opportunity, one of which is a motorbike washing business.

With a business capital of 20 million, you can build a large-scale motorbike washing business equipped with supporting technology such as hydraulic motors, air compressors, power spray guns, tire inflators, and so on which can cost around 14 million. You can use the rest for space rental, promotions, and employee wages.

5. Bisnis Ayam Petelur

Eggs are the food commodity most in demand by Indonesian people. Apart from being affordable, every single egg contains almost all the nutrients and nutrients needed by the body. Namely 41 nutritional content starting from vitamin A, vitamin B2, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin E, and vitamin D. Only vitamin C is not there.

To start this 20 million capital business, at least you have to prepare cages for 100 chickens, feed gutters, and other operational needs until harvest time. Keep in mind, the existing chicken coop must be in a safe and quiet location, cleaned regularly, and the existing chickens must be vaccinated.

During the harvest period or 24 months, the profit you get can reach up to 100 million and above. Interested in trying the laying hens business?


Also Read: Laying Chicken Business: Tips for Success, Estimated Capital, Profits


6. Geprek Chicken (Ayam Geprek)

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Image Source: Freepik/ikarahma

Who doesn't know geprek chicken? This heavy food is still the prima donna for many people. The price is affordable with a wide selection of chili sauces, making this spicy food never lacking in demand.

With only 20 million business capital, you can start a geprek chicken business with maturity. Starting from the cost of renting a place, cooking and eating utensils, promotional costs, operational costs, to unexpected costs are included in the estimated existing capital.

As for the estimated monthly income, you can pocket at least IDR 27 million per month. Not bad right?

7. Home Laundry

The seventh 20 million capital business idea is a home laundry business. This business can bring in a lot of cash, especially if you open it in a strategic location such as a student or worker boarding area. It will be even more profitable if you also accompany it by opening a shoe and helmet laundry business.

You can use the existing capital later to complete business equipment such as buying a quality washing machine, clothes dryer, iron, table, and cupboard to put ironed clothes, up to the need for business promotion.

8. Fashion Business

Clothing is one of the basic human needs. The existence of clothes can protect the body from exposure to sunlight, and hot and cold air, complete the appearance, and increase self-confidence.

Therefore, if you are interested in trying your luck in entrepreneurship, the following 20 million capital business idea is definitely worth trying!

Most importantly, make sure your business niche is clear, and the existing target market is easy to reach. For example, what is trending right now is Muslim fashion, Korean-style fashion, and the thrift clothing business.

9. Home Cafe 


A home cafe business is a 20 million capital business opportunity that is suitable for you to work on. The reason is, café business opportunities are always there and continue to grow every year.

To be able to compete in this business, besides prioritizing the taste of food, you can also highlight a unique cafe theme, and friendly service, and what you can't miss is the cafe interior design! Cafes that are unique and instagramable tend to be preferred by young people and those who like to take selfies.



Also Read: 9 Tips for Successfully Running a Café Business (+ Details of Capital)


10. Duck Livestock Business

Domiciled in a rural area with a natural atmosphere that is still beautiful and supportive? A duck livestock business might be suitable for those of you who are looking for a business idea with a capital of 20 million!

The duck livestock business is a type of livestock business that still exists today. Divided into two, namely laying ducks and broiler ducks, both are equally profitable and in one harvest period, it has the potential to generate a profit of nearly 40 million! Fantastic isn't it?

If you are interested in this business, make sure you prepare farmland that is far from human settlements so that the existing ducks are always protected from stress and reduce the potential for crop failure.

11. Photocopy Business

The prospect of another home business that is no less profitable is the photocopying business. Even though it looks simple, in fact, this business idea with a capital of 20 million has a large market segment ranging from students, office workers, and other members of the public.

Apart from that, this business is also one that has not been eroded by the times, bearing in mind that document photocopying and printing services are still needed even in the digital era like now.

From the existing capital of 20 million, the money will later be used to buy business equipment such as photocopiers, paper-cutting tools, glass showcases, tables and chairs, computers, printers, and many more. In a month at least you can get around 3-4 million net profit from this one business.

12. Pertamini

The need for fuel is very high in Indonesia. Unfortunately, not all gas stations are scattered in remote places. Especially towards the holiday season such as the end of the year or other holidays, the need for gasoline will increase many times.

You can take advantage of this situation as a business opportunity with a capital of 20 million. Especially if you live in a location that is quite far from a gas station. Most importantly, make sure you have an official permit, and don't sell mixed gasoline, or overcharge it.

13. Food and Beverage Franchise

Do you want to have your own business but are afraid to start from scratch? No need to worry because a food and beverage franchise business can be an alternative choice! You only need to buy property rights from the franchisor (called the franchisor) and after that, you can run this one business.

For every property right purchased from a franchise with a capital of 20 million, you will generally be given facilities that are quite complete to support your business. Such as cooking utensils, promotional banners or banners, raw materials, and much more.

Some of the contemporary snack franchises include boba drinks, toast, coffee, dim sum, egg rolls, seblak, and others. Make sure you ask for as much detail as possible regarding the benefits and policies that apply, okay? So that your 20 million capital business can run well according to your expectations.

Want to open your own business but lack capital? BFI Finance is ready to help you make your dreams come true!

You can take advantage of BFI Finance's fast liquid loans to get a number of funds that suits your business needs. Simply by pledging the vehicle BPKB or house certificate, you can get the funds needed to support your business needs or urgent matters.

Find out more information about loans at the following link.

Loan Information Car BPKB Guarantee

Disbursement of funds up to 85% of the vehicle value and a tenor of up to 4 years.

Loan Information BPKB Motor Guarantee

Loan funds with a fast process and a maximum tenor of up to 24 months.

Loan Information Home Certificate Guarantee

Low interest starts from 0.9% with a long tenor of up to 7 tahun.


Sobat BFI, that's the business idea for 20 million capital a la BFI Finance. Are you interested in trying one of them?


Get a disbursement fund of up to 85% of the vehicle value and a tenor of up to 4 years. See Terms

BPKB Motor

Get a loan with a fast process and a maximum tenor of up to 24 months. See Terms

Home Certificate

Low interest rates start from 0.6% per month and long loan tenors up until 7 years. See Terms

Kategori : Bisnis