Informasi Umum

Complete! Here's a List of Vehicle Number Plates throughout Indonesia!

Admin BFI
23 December 2022
Complete! Here's a List of Vehicle Number Plates throughout Indonesia!

In addition to official documents such as BPKB and STNK, every motorized vehicle owner is required to wear number plates on the front and rear of the vehicle. The existence of this tool serves as the identity of a vehicle.

Each region has a different number plate. To make it easier for you to recognize license plates from each region and other information such as how to check the name of the vehicle owner, the following article will help you understand it more easily.


1. What is a Number Plate?

Vehicle number plates or TNKB (Motorized Vehicle Numbers) are the identity or identification marks that exist on every motorized vehicle in Indonesia, be it a car or a motorcycle. This plate is composed of a unique combination of letters and numbers that has been adapted to the local area plate code.

The main function of having this number plate is intended as an identification as well as a differentiator between one vehicle and another. Existing plates must be registered with the local Transportation Agency (DISHUB).

Not only that, license plates also play an important role in managing traffic flow to make it tidier and more orderly. For example, when a vehicle violates traffic or an accident occurs on the highway, with this number plate it will be easier for officers to identify the perpetrators of the violation or which vehicles are involved.

2. Number Plate Color Meaning

In addition to the combination of letters and numbers, license plates have different colors. This color difference certainly has a different meaning. Reporting from the official Instagram account of Polantas Indonesia (@polantasindonesia), here are the meanings of each color.

1. White Color Plate

Is a vehicle owned by individuals, legal entities, as well as representatives of foreign countries (PNA) or embassies and international agencies.

2. Yellow Color Plate

This plate is used by transportation or public transportation.

3. Red Color Plate

It is a motorized vehicle owned by a government agency.

4. Green Color Plate

This plate is used in areas with the free trade area category, where the area imposes import duty-free in accordance with applicable laws.

3. Province Number Plate Code

The number plate code that applies in Indonesia consists of 4 letters and 3 numbers. The first letter indicates the province of the registered vehicle, the first and second digits are the area code, and the third number is the serial number of the motor vehicle registration. For example, plate E is 0987 C, meaning that the motorized vehicle is registered in the area with plate E with the area code 09, and is registered as the 87th vehicle.

You can see the plate codes that apply in each province and region in the table below.

4. Province Number Plate Code

The number plate code that applies in Indonesia consists of 4 letters and 3 numbers. The first letter indicates the province of the registered vehicle, the first and second digits are the area code, and the third number is the serial number of the motor vehicle registration. For example, plate E is 0987 C, meaning that the motorized vehicle is registered in the area with plate E with the area code 09, and is registered as the 87th vehicle.

You can see the plate codes that apply in each province and region in the table below.

Plat Nomor

Image Source: Pexels/pixabay

4.1 West Java Province Number Plate

West Java is a province with vehicle license plates D, E, F, T, Z. The codes are divided into the following areas.

Plate Code Region
D Bandung, Bandung Barat, Cimahi
E Cirebon (YA), Indramayu (YB), Majalengka (YC), Kuningan (YD)
F Bogor, Cianjur, Sukabumi
T Subang, Purwakarta, Karawang
Z Tasikmalaya (H), Garut, Sumedang, Ciamis (T/W), Banjar

4.2 Central Java and Yogyakarta Province Number Plates

The provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta have license plates with codes G, H, K, R, AA, AD, AB with the regional distribution as below.

Plate Code Region
G Brebes (G), Pekalongan (B/A), Tegal (F/E), Batang (C), Pemalang (D)
H Semarang (C/L/V/A/G/H/R/S/X/W/Y/Z), Salatiga (B/K), Kendal (D/M), Demak (E)
K Pati (A/S/H), Jepara, Kudus (B/K/T), Grobogan (F/P), Cepu (N/Y), Rembang (D/M), Blora (E/N)
R Banyumas (A/H/S/E), Purbalingga (C/L), Banjarnegara (D/M), Cilacap (B/K/T/F)
AA Magelang (A/H/K/S), Purworejo (C/L/V), Kebumen (D/J/M/W), Temanggung (E/N), Kedu (B), Wonosobo (F/P/Z)
AD Surakarta dan Sukoharjo (B/K/T), Sragen (E/N/Y), Boyolali (D/M), Klaten (J/C/L/V), Wonogiri (G/R), Karanganyar (F/P)
AB Yogyakarta (A/H/F), Bantul (B/G), Gunung Kidul (D/W), Sleman (E/N/Y/Q/Z/U), Kulon Progo (C)

4.3 East Java Province Number Plate

East Java is a province with license plates L, M, N, P, S, W, AE, AG. You can see the regional division in the following table.

Plate Code Region
L Surabaya (D-J/A-C/L-N/E)
M Madura, Sumenep, Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan
N Malang (D-J/A-C/L-N/E), Probolinggo (P-R/S/U), Lumajang (W-Z), Pasuruan (V/X), Batu (K)
P Bondowoso (A-D), Besuki , Situbondo (E-H), Jember (K-T), Banyuwangi (U-Z)
S Mojokerto, Tuban, Lamongan, Jombang, Bojonegoro
W Sidoarjo, Gresik
AE Ngawi, Magetan, Madiun, Ponorogo, Pacitan (W/X/Y/Z)
AG Kediri (D-J/A-C/K-N), Blitar (P-R), Tulungagung (S-T), Nganjuk (U-W), Trenggalek (Y-Z)

4.4 Bali and Nusa Tenggara Province Number Plates

There are 6 vehicle license plates in the provinces of Bali and Nusa Tenggara. For the area as below.

Plate Code Region
DK Bali
DR Lombok, Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur, Lombok Tengah, Mataram
EA Sumbawa, Sumbawa Barat, Bima, Dompu
DH Timor, Kupang, TTU, TTS, Rote Ndao
EB Flores, Flores Timur, Manggarai, Manggarai Barat, Ngada, Ende, Sikka, Lembata, Alor
ED Sumba Barat, Sumba Timur

4.5 DKI Jakarta and Surrounding Provincial Number Plates

For DKI Jakarta and its surroundings, the number plate used has code B.

Plate Code Region
B DKI Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok

4.6 Kalimantan Province Number Plate

Kalimantan area number plates are dominated by the “K” prefix code, except for the province of South Kalimantan. Here's the full description.

Plate Code Region
KB Kalimantan Barat
DA Kalimantan Selatan
KH Kalimantan Tengah
KT Kalimantan Timur
KU Kalimantan Utara

4.7 Sulawesi Province Number Plate

Meanwhile, Sulawesi area number plates are dominated by the “D” prefix code. Here's the full description:

Plate Code Region
DB Manado, Tomohon, Bitung, Minahasa, Bolaang Mongondow, Bolaang Mongondow Selatan, Bolaang Mongondow Timur
DL Talaud, Sangihe, Sitaro
DM Gorontalo
DN Sulawesi Tengah
DT Sulawesi Tenggara
DD Sulawesi Selatan
DC Sulawesi Barat

4.8 Papua Province Number Plate

For the Papua area, the vehicle number plate begins with the code "P".

Plate Code Region
PA Papua (Kab. & Kota Jayapura, Biak Numfor, Kab. Jayawijaya, Kab. Kepulauan Yapen, Kab. Merauke, Kab. Mimika, Kab. Nabire, Kab. Paniai, Kab. Puncak Jaya).
PB Papua Barat (Kab. Manokwari, Kab. Teluk Bintuni, Kab. Wondama, Kab. Sorong, Kota Sorong, Kab. Raja Ampat, Kab. Sorong Selatan, Kab. Fak Fak, Kab. Kaimana, Kab. Manokwari Selatan, Kab. Pegunungan Arfak, Kab. Sambraw).

4.9 Maluku Province Number Plate

The Maluku area is divided into 2 license plate codes namely "DE" and "DG", respectively for the provinces of Maluku and North Maluku.

Plate Code Region
DE Maluku (Kota Ambon, Kota Tual, Kab. Buru, Kab. Buru Selatan, Kab. Kepulauan Aru, Kab. Maluku Barat Daya, Kab. Maluku Tengah, Kab. Maluku Tenggara, Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat, Kab. Seram Bagian Barat, Kab. Seram Bagian Timur).
DG Maluku Utara (Kota Ternate, Kota Tidore Kepulauan, Kab. Halmahera Barat, Kab. Halmahera Selatan, Kab. Kepulauan Sula, Kab. Halmahera Tengah, Kab. Halmahera Timur, Kab. Halmahera Utara, Kab. Pulau Morotai).

4.10 Sumatra Province Number Plate

Sumatra area number plate codes all begin with the code "B". Details are in the table below.

Plate Code Region
BL Aceh
BB Sumatera Utara Bagian Barat (Gunungsitoli, Padang Sidempuan, Sibolga, Dairi, Humbang Hasundutan, Mandaling Natal, Padang Lawas, Pakpak Barat, Samosir, Tapanuli, dan Toba Samosir)
BK Sumatera Utara Bagian Timur (Binjai, Medan, Pematang Siantar, Tanjung Balai, Tebing Tinggi, Asahan, Batubara, Deli Serdang, Karo, Labuhanbatu, Langkat, Serdang Bedagai, Simalungun)
BA Sumatera Barat
BM Riau
BH Jambi
BD Bengkulu
BP Kepulauan Riau
BG Sumatera Selatan
BN Bangka Belitung
BE Lampung

5. How to Check the Name of the Owner of the Vehicle Number Plate

As is the case with KTPs which contain information related to a person's personal identity, license plates have a similar function where you can find out information about the vehicle along with the owner's name. So, for how to check it, you can use the following steps, which consist of checking via the official website, application, and SMS.

5.1 Check the name of the vehicle plate owner on the website

You can check the name of the owner of the vehicle number plate through the official Samsat website for each region. Some websites that provide this feature include:

Region Name Website
West Java
Central Java
East Java

5.2 Check the name of the vehicle plate owner in the application

Apart from going through the e-samsat, now checking the number plate or vehicle number can be done in the application. The method is:

1. Download the Samsat application according to the area on the Playstore

2. Enter the license plate number of the vehicle you want to search for

3. Wait a moment until the data you requested is displayed on the screen

List of Samsat Applications Per Region
Region Name of Application
DKI Jakarta Pajak Online DKI Jakarta
Central Java SAKPOLE
West Sumatera e-Samsat Sumbar
South Sumatera e-DEMPO
North Sumatera Mobile e-SAMSAT Sumut Bermartabat
Lampung E-Samdes
North Sulawesi Info Pajak Kendaraan Sulut
South Sulawesi RC Polda Sultra
Gorontalo e-SAMSAT Gorontalo
West Kalimantan Samsat Kalbar
Central Kalimatan RC Polda Kalimantan Tengah
North Kalimantan e Samsat Kalimantan Utara

5.3 Check the name of the vehicle plate owner via SMS

Not only checking it online, you can check the vehicle's license plate number via SMS. However, this feature is still very limited and can only be used in certain areas.

  • DKI Jakarta

Type Metro (space) Nopol send to 1717

  • West java

Type Poldajbr (space) Nopol send to 3977

  • Central Java

Type Jateng (space) Nopol send to 9600

  • East Java

Type Jatim (space) Nopol send to 7070

Sobat BFI, that's the information regarding vehicle license plates. Hopefully with this information you can be more enlightened. If you need a fast loan with a vehicle BPKB guarantee, you can apply directly to BFI Finance.

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Kategori : Informasi Umum