Informasi Umum

How to Check NIK Online Easily and Quickly, Here's the Way!

Admin BFI
7 February 2023
How to Check NIK Online Easily and Quickly, Here's the Way!

You can now check your NIK online easily by utilizing the services provided by Disdukcapil.

As we already know, NIK is the most frequently used residence number for various purposes, especially for public administration requirements.

So, how do you check your NIK online? Without waiting for a long time, let's look at the following description.


1. What is NIK?

Based on Law No. 24 of 2013 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration, what is meant by NIK (Population Identification Number) is a resident identity number that is unique or distinctive, single, and attached to a person who is registered as a resident of Indonesia.

NIK is issued by the government through designated agencies after going through a series of processes for recording population data. No doubt, NIK is used as the basis for issuing identity cards (KTP), and family cards (KK). Driving License (SIM), Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), Land Certificate, and other identity documents.

NIK is permanent and valid for life. So, even if someone moves their domicile to another city, their NIK number will not change.

This is in accordance with what was conveyed by the Director General of Dukcapil Prof. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh in a live broadcast via the Village TV YouTube channel and Dukcapil KDN. In the broadcast, he explained that the NIK did not change even though residents moved areas.

2. The Functions of NIK

Before we discuss how to check NIK online, it's better if we first understand the function of having this NIK.

1. As a single identity number (single identity number/sin) used for various public administration matters. Such as registering the marriage, looking for work, making police documents such as SKCK, and various other important documents

2. Is a resident identity number that makes valid proof that someone is a native Indonesian citizen

3. Regulate population administration affairs nationally with a valid and reliable database

3. The Meaning of 16 Numbers on NIK

National Identity Number (NIK) consists of 16 digits. The rows of numbers that exist have their respective meanings or meanings. According to various sources, here are the meanings of the 16 numbers in the NIK.

  • The first 6 digits are the area code where you live when you register, with the division of the number as follows.
  • The first 2 digits are the province code
  • The next 2 digits are the district/city code
  • The last 2 digits are the district code
  • The second 6 digits are information related to the registrant such as the date, month, and year of birth in the hb-mm-yy format. Specifically for women, the number 40 is added to the date of birth. So, if a woman was born on the 16th, the number written will be 56.
  • The last 4 digits are the NIK issuance serial number. This number is issued automatically by a system called SIA and starts from the sequence 0001.

Cara Mudah Menghafal Nomor NIK

Many people find it difficult to memorize the 16 digits of this important number. In fact, the number is very important for various administrative matters.

Based on Article 37 PP Number 37 of 2007 concerning Government Regulation (PP) concerning Implementation of Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration, an easy way to memorize NIK is to know the meaning of each number in the 16-digit NIK.

For example, your NIK is 31-02-06-44-01-91-0006. Then how to memorize it as below:

  • 31: Province Code
  • 02: Regency/City Code
  • 01: District Code
  • 44: Date of Birth. Especially for women, the number 40 is added. For example, if you were born on April 4, what will be written on your NIK is 44.
  • 01: Month of Birth
  • 91: Birth Year
  • 0006: Computerized or Registration Number

Isn't quite easy and practical?

4. 7 Ways to Check NIK Online

The following are 7 easy ways to check NIK online. You can choose whichever method is easier to do and according to your needs. This method is also useful for dealing with problematic NIK.

cek NIK online

An Illustration of NIK on KTP (Identity Card) / Sumber:

4.1. SMS

The first way to check NIK is by using the SMS feature. The steps are as follows.

  • Send a message in the following format: Check#KTP#Residential Identification Number (NIK)
  • Make sure the format of the message you enter is correct and no data is missed at all, making it easier for the dukcapil to check the data you requested
  • Send a message to 08118005373
  • Wait for a reply from the dukcapil

4.2. WhatsApp

The second way is via the Ministry of Home Affairs' WhatsApp. Follow these steps.

  • Enter the message format: Full Name/NIK/Kelurahan, District, Regency, City
  • Double-check the data you entered, and make sure the format is correct
  • Send a message to one of the numbers below:
  1. 081329912479

  2. 0811-1902-4156

  3. 0811-1902-4157

  4. 0811-1902-4158

  5. 0811-1902-4159

  6. 0811-1902-4160

  7. 0811-1902-4161

  8. 0811-1902-4162

  9. 0811-1902-4163

  10. 0811-1902-4164

  11. 0811-1902-4165

4.3. Email

Apart from the two previous options, you can also check it via email by following the steps below:

  • Enter the email subject as needed, for example, "Check NIK KTP Number" or "Resolve NIK Not Registered"
  • Send an email with the format: #NIK#Full_Name#Family Card Number#Complaint
  • Double-check the data you input before sending it
  • If you are sure, send an email to call

Keep in mind, responses via email cannot be obtained quickly or in an instant. It takes at least 1X24 hours.

4.4. Social Media

For those of you who actively use social media, now it's easier for you to check your NIK through official disdukcapil social media pages such as the Dukcapil Directorate General on Facebook, @ccdukcapil on Twitter, @dukcapilkemendagri on Instagram.

After that, make sure you follow the steps as follows.

  • Send a message in the format below:


  • Make sure the data you enter is correct to facilitate the checking process
  • Wait for your message to be replied

4.5. Call Center

You can also check your NIK online through the call center provided by Dukcapil called "Halo Dukcapil" at 1500-537. This method is an alternative choice for those of you who need NIK information as soon as possible.

The method is as follows.

  • Make sure you prepare personal data such as NIK KK or NIK KTP
  • Call the dukcapil call center at 1500-537
  • State your aims and objectives
  • The dukcapil will provide the requested information after validating the data

4.6. Domicile Region Dukcapil Website

You can check your NIK online directly through the official Dukcapil website for each region according to your domicile. Here is a list of websites.

  • DKI Jakarta:

  • Kota Tangerang:

  • Kota Tangerang Selatan:

  • Kota Serang:

  • Kota Depok:

  • Kabupaten Depok:

  • Kota Bekasi:

  • Kabupaten Bekasi:

  • Kabupaten Karawang:

  • Kota Bandung:

  • Kabupaten Bandung:

  • Kota Tasikmalaya:

  • Kabupaten Tasikmalaya:

  • Kota Cirebon:

  • Kabupaten Indramayu:

  • DI Yogyakarta:

  • Kabupaten Sleman:

  • Kabupaten Banyumas:

  • Kota Surabaya:

  • Kota Malang:

  • Kabupaten Badung:

  • Kota Padang:

  • Kota Banda Aceh: 

4.7. GISA Virtual Assistant

The last way to be able to check your NIK online is through the GISA Virtual Assistant provided by the dukcapil website. GISA is an artificial intelligence technology (Artificial Intelligence) in the form of a chatbot that can serve the public for the purposes of administrative services.

To check via GISA, follow the steps below:

  • Visit the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs dukcapil
  • Click the blue chat button at the bottom right
  • You will be redirected to the GISA page
  • Complete the requested data such as Name, Email, and Mobile Number
  • Click 'Sign in'
  • Follow the next steps until it's finished

BFI friends, that was the discussion about how to easily and safely check NIK online. NIK is an important number that is widely used for various administrative purposes. Therefore, NIK deserves more attention.

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