
Adab of Eating and Drinking in Islam: Benefits and 12 Procedures

Admin BFI
11 July 2023
Adab of Eating and Drinking in Islam: Benefits and 12 Procedures

Eating and drinking are basic human needs that must be met every day. However, did you know that eating and drinking also have manners or procedures that are good and right according to Islamic teachings? The manners of eating and drinking are not trivial things that can be ignored but are part of worship that every Muslim must perform.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), adab means manners, manners, or manners. In the Islamic context, adab is behavior that is in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, both in terms of words, actions, and attitudes. The manners of eating and drinking are the procedures for eating and drinking that were taught by Rasulullah SAW through his hadiths.

There are so many benefits that we can feel when practicing adab, both physically and spiritually. Physically, the manners of eating and drinking can help us maintain a healthy body, avoid disease, and optimize digestive function. Spiritually, the manners of eating and drinking can bring us closer to Allah SWT, increase faith, and erase sins.

In addition, adab is also a form of respect for Allah SWT who has given us the pleasures of food and drink. By following the existing adab, we show gratitude, obedience, and love to Allah SWT.


1. 12 Adab of Eating and Drinking in Islam

The following are 12 eating and drinking manners in Islam that we should follow.

1.1. Washing Hands

Washing hands before and after eating is the first manner of eating and drinking. This aims to clean hands from dirt, dust, or bacteria that can enter the body while eating. In addition, washing hands is also a form of maintaining personal and environmental hygiene as the Prophet Muhammad said:

“Apabila salah seorang di antara kalian hendak makan maka hendaklah ia mencuci tangannya terlebih dahulu.” (HR. Abu Dawud)

1.2. Read Basmalah

Reading basmalah or bismillahirrahmanirrahim before eating is the second adab. This is meant to start everything by mentioning the name of Allah SWT, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. By reading basmalah, we acknowledge that all blessings come from Allah SWT and we ask for blessings from Him.

Rasulullah SAW said:

“Apabila salah seorang di antara kalian hendak makan maka hendaklah ia membaca bismillah. Jika ia lupa membacanya di awal maka hendaklah ia membaca bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi (dengan nama Allah pada awalnya dan akhirnya).” (HR. Tirmidzi)

1.3. Pray Before Eating

Praying before eating is the third etiquette of eating and drinking. This aims to seek protection from Allah SWT from all things that are not good or not halal in food. In addition, praying before eating is also a form of gratitude to Allah SWT for His blessings.

Rasulullah SAW said:

“Apabila salah seorang di antara kalian hendak makan maka hendaklah ia berdoa: ‘Allahumma barik lana fiima razaqtana waqina adzaba al-nar (Ya Allah, berkahilah kami dalam rezeki yang Engkau berikan kepada kami dan peliharalah kami dari siksa api neraka).’” (HR. Abu Dawud)

1.4. It is recommended not to use silver or gold equipment

Next, avoid using cutlery made of silver or gold. This is highly recommended to avoid being arrogant, riya, or extravagant in eating.

On the other hand, using silver or gold utensils when eating is also a form of opposing the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, which is always modest and simple.

Rasulullah SAW said:

“Barang siapa yang minum dengan bejana emas atau perak maka sesungguhnya ia telah memasukkan api neraka ke dalam perutnya.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

1.5. Consume Halal Food

The fifth adab of eating and drinking is consuming halal food. As a devout Muslim, consuming halal food is not only good for physical and mental health, but also avoids all things that are unclean, unclean, or dangerous.

Eating halal food is a form of obedience to Allah SWT, who has determined what is lawful and what is unlawful for His servants.

Allah SWT says:

“Hai sekalian manusia, makanlah yang halal lagi baik dari apa yang terdapat di bumi, dan janganlah kamu mengikuti langkah-langkah syaitan; karena sesungguhnya syaitan itu adalah musuh yang nyata bagimu.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 168)

1.6. Eat Moderately

Often we are never satisfied with what we have or consume. In the etiquette of eating and drinking, as a Muslim we are encouraged to eat in moderation.

By consuming enough food and drink, we can undoubtedly maintain the balance of the body and avoid greed, greed, or excessive eating.

This recommendation to eat and drink in moderation is included in the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW which is good to practice as he always watches over his portion of food.

Rasulullah SAW said:

“Tidaklah manusia mengisi suatu wadah yang lebih buruk daripada perutnya. Cukuplah bagi anak Adam beberapa suap untuk menegakkan tulang punggungnya. Jika tidak ada pilihan lain maka sepertiga untuk makanannya, sepertiga untuk minumannya, dan sepertiga untuk napasnya.” (HR. Tirmidzi)

1.7. Serve Food Properly

adab makan dna minum

Image Source:

Serving food properly is the seventh adab. This is intended to show respect, affection and hospitality to guests or family members who will eat with us.

Not only that, the adab of serving food properly is the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW who always pays attention to ethics in serving food.

Rasulullah SAW once said that reads;

“Apabila salah seorang di antara kalian menghidangkan makanan kepada saudaranya maka hendaklah ia memberinya sesuatu dari bagian tengahnya karena di situ terdapat berkah.” (HR. Muslim)

1.8. Eat with the Right Hand

Since childhood, we were taught by both parents to always eat with the right hand. This turned out to be part of the etiquette of eating and drinking in Islam.

The reason is that Rasulullah SAW always uses his right hand in all things good, including eating and drinking. In addition, eating with the right hand is also a form of staying away from the left hand which is usually used to clean unclean.

Rasulullah SAW said:

“Apabila salah seorang di antara kalian hendak makan maka hendaklah ia menggunakan tangan kanannya karena sesungguhnya syaitan itu makan dan minum dengan tangan kirinya.” (HR. Muslim)

1.9. Do Not Eat While Standing

The prohibition against eating while standing is not without cause. This is intended to maintain a healthy body and avoid digestive disorders due to unstable body position while eating.

1.10. Do Not Blow Hot Food or Drinks

The tenth adab of eating and drinking is not blowing on hot food and drinks. This is aimed at keeping food and drink clean from germs or bacteria that can come out of the mouth when blowing. This is in accordance with the words of Rasulullah SAW.

“Janganlah kalian meniup dalam bejana (minuman) atau dalam makanan.” (HR. Abu Dawud)

1.11. Try to Eat Together

Eating together is meant to increase a sense of togetherness, kinship, and love among fellow Muslims. Of course, this is also one of the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW.

“Makanlah bersama-sama dan janganlah berpecah belah karena sesungguhnya berkah itu ada pada orang-orang yang banyak.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

1.12. Pick Up Food that Has Fallen

Taking food that has fallen turns out to be part of the etiquette of eating and drinking in Islam. This is done as a manifestation of respecting food and not wasting the blessings of Allah SWT. In addition, taking food that has fallen is also a form of removing the influence of Satan who wants to spoil or interfere with our food.

“Apabila salah seorang di antara kalian menjatuhkan sepotong makanannya maka hendaklah ia mengambilnya kemudian membersihkannya dari kotorannya lalu memakannya dan janganlah ia meninggalkannya untuk syaitan.” (HR. Muslim)

BFI friends, that's a discussion regarding the etiquette of eating and drinking in Islam. Don't forget to follow these manners so that we always get blessings from Allah SWT and become people who are grateful for His blessings.

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