
Get Big Funds With Certificate Guarantee Loans

Admin BFI
8 October 2021
Get Big Funds With Certificate Guarantee Loans

Applying for a certificate guarantee loan to a finance company is one solution for those of you who need large amounts of funds. In addition to the safe and fast disbursement process, the requirements are relatively more practical than applying for a loan at a bank.

However, you also have to be wise in making loans. For your convenience, it is highly recommended to apply for a loan to an official financial institution registered with the OJK.

Here are tips for applying for a certificate guarantee loan to get large amounts of funds.

View Your Income and Expenses

A Financial Advisor is the one who will determine whether a person is eligible for a loan or not. Eligibility considerations are calculated from 30% of your total income. So the amount of installments that you will pay must not exceed the number from the calculation results.

For that, before applying for a loan, pay attention to how much your total expenses are in one month. Will your income be sufficient to cover your regular expenses? You should consider this.

Because later, your expenses will increase with the monthly installments you have to pay. Don't let the pegs get bigger than the poles.

Ensure BI Checking is Safe

BI Checking is a system that exists at Bank Indonesia which records the entire history of a debtor. In which there is a variety of information about the collectibility of your credit. Whether you have bad credit or not, how smooth the installment payments are, everything is clearly visible in this system.

In order for the loan to be approved, you must ensure that there are no other deferred credit loans such as KPR or KTA. If you have a credit card, pay attention to the performance of your credit card payment.

Prepare Supporting Documents

Each financial institution has different provisions. However, in general, the supporting documents that you need to prepare for applying for funds using BPKB and house certificates are:

  • KTP, KK, or Marriage Book (for those who are married)
  • TIN
  • House Certificate, IMB, and PBB
  • Personal and spouse's salary slips (if married)
  • Certificate of employment for the last 6 months (for employees)
  • Business Legality (for entrepreneurs) such as SIUP, TDP, AKTA CV/AKTA PT, business NPWP
  • Current Account 6 months – last 1 year

After the completeness of the documents has been met, you can visit the office of the financial institution that has been selected. You will be greeted by a Financial Advisor who will help and explain in detail to you what the terms and conditions are.

Then they will also explain how much interest rates apply, complete with the installments that you will pay.

Kategori : Pinjaman