
15 Modern Fried Food Business Ideas You Can Try

Admin BFI
5 April 2022
15 Modern Fried Food Business Ideas You Can Try

In Indonesia, fried food is one of the complementary foods as well as snacks that are liked and in demand by most people. The crunchy texture and various savory, sweet, spicy flavors make some people make fried foods their favorite menu. With this opportunity, you can use it as a business opportunity.

In order not to be boring, you can open a contemporary fried food business by selling more innovative fried foods. Then, what types of fried foods are currently popular? Check out the information below, yes.


Contemporary Fried Food Business Ideas That You Can Try

Crispy Tofu

Who doesn't know this contemporary fried food? This tofu-based fried food is processed into a crunchy dish with the addition of liquid flour during the cooking process. This is what makes the crispy tofu very crunchy even for a long time. Due to high interest, now you can start this crispy tofu business by joining as a franchise partner or franchise. There are many franchises with various trademarks that provide crispy tofu businesses. As a complement, crispy tofu is given various spices or additional cayenne pepper to make it more delicious.

If you intend to open a business independently, you can prepare the main ingredients such as white square tofu, wheat flour, maize flour, baking powder, seasoning, water and oil for frying. Just combine all the flour and water ingredients, put the tofu into the dough, then fry. After the tofu has slightly risen, add the remaining wet flour mixture into the oil and stir so that the dough sticks to the outer layer of the tofu. Easy isn't it?

Crispy Mushroom

The next contemporary fried food business idea is crispy mushrooms. It's true that not everyone likes mushrooms, however, if they are deep-fried and given some spices, some people might like them. Not only as a snack, crispy mushrooms are also sought after as a side dish for rice or side dishes.


Cireng is indeed one of the fried foods that has been around for a long time. However, cireng snow can be an option for those of you who want to open a contemporary fried food business. The thing that distinguishes snow cireng and ordinary cireng is the texture which is crisper on the outside and softer on the inside. Usually, the snow cireng will be covered with tapioca flour again after the dough is made. Cireng snow served with rujak seasoning. This is what distinguishes the appearance of ordinary cireng from snow cireng.

Round Tofu
“Tofu is round, fried impromptu. 500s” That sentence is one of the tofu sellers' tone to lure their consumers. Round tofu is usually sold through pickup trucks and only hangs or stops on the shoulder of a large road or around housing. You can take this opportunity by selling round tofu around your home or educational institutions or offices. You can sell with cart capital.

Seasoned Potato

usaha gorengan kekinian - kentang goreng

This fried food business can be an idea that has the potential to generate profits. You can sell seasoned potatoes with various flavors. There are 2 ways to sell seasoned potatoes. The first is to fry large enough potatoes until they are crispy. Then, the second is to steam the potatoes first. Once soft, the potatoes are mashed and mixed with meizena flour, cheese, and seasonings. Form the dough like a potato lengthwise and fry until crisp. To make it more delicious, the potatoes are seasoned with sweet, salty, and spicy spices to make them more appetizing.


usaha gorengan kekinian - cimol
Image Source : Pinterest

Cimol is one of the snacks that is timeless. Since ancient times, this food has become a snack that is quite popular. To be more innovative, you can add flavor by adding spicy powder or stuffing to the cimol dough. Cimol filling can be in the form of cheese, meat, sausage, chili, and so on.

Tempe mendoan

The next contemporary fried business is tempe mendoan. Currently, some cafes or restaurants provide a menu of tempe mendoan as a snack. This shows that the younger generation also likes this type of fried food. You can take advantage of the opportunity by selling mendoan tempeh with additional soy sauce topped with spicy chili slices. To start this business, you are advised to sell fried foods impromptu so that the tempe mendoan served tastes delicious.

Sweet Potato Ball

usaha gorengan kekinian - bola ubi kopong
Image Source : Pinterest

Next is the hollow sweet potato ball. This snack is made from sweet potato which is shaped round. Although it is round like a big ball, when eaten, the sweet potato ball has no filling, that's what makes the sweet potato ball called the ubi kopong ball.

Bakwan Assorted Toppings

Eating bakwan filled with vegetables is common. Have you ever eaten bakwan filled with sausage, meat, kaju, and other modern fillings? You can open a contemporary fried food business by providing bakwan with various toppings. Different from the usual bakwan, bakwan with various toppings requires a tool to print the dough so that the shape looks attractive.

Donut Topping

Next is the donut topping. Donuts are sweet snacks that are made by frying. You can make donuts more innovative by adding contemporary toppings such as ovomaltine, nutella, berry jam, and so on.

Cheese Ball

Fried foods that can be used as business ideas are cheese balls or known as Brulee. Brulee is made from a mixture of meat and mozzarella cheese wrapped in breadcrumbs. The brulee is deep-fried until the cheese filling melts. Guaranteed to make those who eat it addicted!

Cassava Cheese

Although made from cassava, cassava cheese can be a contemporary fried business idea. The cassava that will be sold must be fried until the cassava is laid or crispy, then add some seasonings and also sauce and mayonnaise on top. This will add to the cassava flavored image.

Tofu Walik

usaha gorengan kekinian - tahu walik
Image Source : Pinterest

Tofu walik is a fried food that has been booming recently. Tofu walik itself is fried tofu with aci filling and chicken/fish/beef. Very unique, the presentation is done by flipping the brown tofu and filling it with aci dough along with meat and other seasonings. Once crispy, tofu walik is ready to be served. Because of the unique way of making and its delicious taste, this tofu is in great demand. For those of you who are interested in selling it, you can make the best recipe so you know that your walik has many fans.

Piscok Flavor

usaha gorengan kekinian - piscok
Image Source : Pinterest

Piscok is a snack that stands for chocolate banana. This snack is made by rolling a banana that has been flattened using spring roll skin. Before rolling, bananas are bought with chocolate meses filling or chocolate bars so that when they are fried, the chocolate melts and becomes an additional flavor besides the banana flavor. Nowadays, piscok is not only filled with chocolate filling, it is filled with many flavors such as berry jam, cheese, and so on. This business idea is suitable for those of you who don't want to bother opening a food business.


The latest modern fried food business idea is cakwe. Cakwe itself is actually a traditional snack originating from China. However, this one snack is quite in demand by the people of Indonesia. Cakwe is served with a liquid sauce with a spicy and slightly sour taste. Because it is easy to make, you can turn this snack into a modern fried food business idea that is quite profitable considering the large buyer interest.

Those are 15 contemporary fried food business ideas that you can try as a daily income. Which of these 15 ideas interests you the most? Even though it looks small, you can get quite a large profit if the fried food business continues to grow and has loyal customers.

The Contemporary Fried Food Business Capital Solution

For those of you who need additional capital, you can apply for a loan with a motorcycle BPKB guarantee at BFI Finance with a 10-minute process. In addition, you can get 75% disbursement for new debtors and 85% for old debtors with a tenor of up to 24 months. Check out the terms and conditions below.

Debtor Profile :

  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
  • 21-60 years old
  • Status of residence on behalf of yourself or family

Vehicle Profile:

  • Mandatory motorcycle BPKB in the name of yourself or a partner
  • STNK tax is active and in your own name
  • The maximum age of the motorbike is 10 years and only applies to Japanese brands.

What are you waiting for? Come on, apply for a loan guaranteed by BPKB Motor at BFI Finance. Special for the month of April, you can have the opportunity to get cash CASHBACK worth IDR 400 thousand! For more information, visit the following link.

Kategori : Bisnis